(Usage of Websites (See Below after Chinese))

  1.  網頁可作向本地或世界推廣宣傳服務產品用途. 因科技的發達,電腦及網絡製造價錢下調,使用者越來越多,那網頁作宣傳用途變得更深入普及.

  2. 若公司選用簡單易記而能代表公司的網址,將令顧客易記而因此容易接觸到貴公司想發出的訊息,因而得到更大的宣傳成效.

  3. 若公司有了網址,將代表公司跟隨時代前進,因而提高公司的形象.

  4. 彩色繽紛的畫面將令產品在螢幕上更顯吸引力.

  5. 上網資料易於更改,更容易提供新資訊.

  6. 最後網頁設計的多面化及價錢的下調令小型公司都可以採用這成本小效益高的網頁方法.

電話 (Tel): (852) 25707811      

電郵 (Email)info@widely.com.hk 


Usage of Websites

  1. The Products or services provided by your company can be publicized easily to local and world markets. As the popularity of using Internet to get information grows rapidly each year, the function of using Websites to promote products or services becomes more useful than ever.
  2. You can devise a name for your Website that represents your company. If the name is short and easy to remember, then your customers or clients will very easily recall it and then obtain the given information by you through Internet.
  3. The using of Website for your company means that your company keeps in pace with the advanced technology and so it promotes your company image.
  4. The high quality of colorful display on the screen of PC will make your products or services more attractive than using hard copy papers as a publicity media.
  5. The information given in the Websites can be changed easily and so more updated information can be provided for your customers or for other people.
  6. Finally, the design of Web Pages is flexible to cover the need of each company and the price is  low  that even a small company can afford - It is an efficient and low-cost high-profit method.
    However, for a good design, it is not an easy job. Each company has its own nature to face different types of customers. Each structure and view of pages can change customers' view to the image of the company and products. In the  classification and organization of products and the meaning of the words we have to take care in communication with customers and users. In fact for each page of web design on its color, structure and format we have to consider seriously and professionally in order to bring the web site built in the highly effective way.  Our company has been running for the goal to the four years. We provide customers with tailored made design to fit each company's need so their web sites become highly effective. 

Tel: (852) 25707811      


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